Wuooo! I like to meet to Patch Adams, the inventor of laughter therapy or humour therapy… he is an american medical that try to find solutions at the disease through the laugh and humour… when he visit Chile in August of 2005… i was a person very happy jajajaja… because he was very near of the sicks of this country and were the oportunity of to be a little happy in their treatments.
I want a meet with he, because since that i see a movie about his life… I say: that good medical!... like that as he would to be all the medical of the word… i think that he is a person very concerned for the other people… he is a medical by vocation.
In a conversation with he… I will ask him Why choose the alternative medicine for to cure the illness?, when was born the idea of to crete medical center of laughter therapy?... if do he believe that the movie about his life were a true xhibition about his job?... and like that more question that in this moment i can’t write.
For me would be interesting to meet to this person because, in some moment of my life… i think to be a medical, just for the inspiration that to cause in me the movie of Patch Adams… to see as the person had a best cheer and they looks best their health. In adition i believe that all medical of this country must meet he, like that he could to improve their methods for to cure to their patient.

Like that as like me to meet to Patch Adams, as well like me to meet to Robin William, the protagonist of the film about Patch Adams, because i think that he is other person that look the good th other people.
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