If i could choose a job, obviously will be of geographer, because is my vocation, and developing this job i can travel around the world… and other job that could choose will be pilot of helicopters… because the can fly and to know the world, like it looks in the maps jajajaja i believe that i would choose anything job that permit me can travel and aren’t shut in a office.
I think that enjoy this job because is my passion the to be in differents parts of the world, looking differents place, and differents people. I believe that my secret mission in this world is to be an explorer… but i don’t know which is the i have that to do jajajjaja…
I will be satisfied with this job, because is that i want to do! I want travel and to know, and to walk around the world… jajajja… and like pilot the helicopter i could to jump in parachute. And to fly by the airs and to be happy by somo moments.
I know somepeople geographer, but dont like me their job, because they are teacher in universities and are approached in the social area, and to me dont like this topic of the geography… and too meet to a pilot of helicopter, because my uncle is commando, and one of the formers of the parachuting school in our country… and moreover of to be helicopter pilot is too paratrooper … although now he this removed… i hope still i have a oportunity of to jump!!!!