mmmm buy! that is bored or looking out to buy clothes or things for a long time! I must admit I'm not one of the typical girls who love to go shopping to strolling through a mall viedno thousands of nice things you love to buy but can not because they are very expensive! in that case I prefer walking down the street, in parks or just being at home. but if you ask me I like to buy the answer is SCARVES! I love
whether to shelter the neck, ornament, or hang them in elgun place just to see the colors! I love especially the kind that are induced, Arabic and weird things, besides having wonderful designs and colors, smell good, have a scent like incense or antique shop! the last time that "out shopping" with my dad (with my mom can not leave, because nothing like it I like, besides that it sa reeks tired and the sun like me) ... scarves I bought 8! all similar but different, shape and color! I wanted more but had no more money to spend! another thing I like buying are polerones and jackets, also I have many different shapes and different colors! I think when I have wanted to buy a specific product, because now I have pants in different colors and different types, jeans and divers. ah! so if you do not buy anything in the mall or shops known names, one reason is because everything is more expensive and I never like clothing designs that sell them.